Free & Easy Solution Microsoft OST to PST Converter

MS Outlook is one of the popular email clients. It store data in OST and PST file .both are use difrenent purpose.OST allow user work offline ,and store local system if system one connect to network then it syncing with server.
PST file used for data migration, backup and import-export .But that is not main concerne here.if user looking OST to PST Converter tool ,then user fist understand what OST and PST this blog we describe why ew need OST to PST Converter tool.

Common reason for convert Microsoft OST to PST.

There are several reason for Converting OST file to PST .Here some most popular reason.
How access and recover orphan OST file Data

  1. Merger data old Outlook profile into New Outlook profile
  2. Recovery corrupted OST file.
  3. User need to rebuild Exchange server but some unsaved which need to recovered .

There are few common scenario where user can not access outlook profile data at this situation user need to conversion for OST file to PST file .Now user search for How to convert OST file to PST file.

How to Convert OST to PST in Microsoft Outlook

Your conversion method depend on question :Which OST file user want for convertion which currently connect to running Outlook profile?
If answer is yes ,user can need to export OTt file to PST by using Outllook export wizard.

Convert OST to PST Using Outlook ‘s Import and Export Feature.

By using this method user check Outlook install and user access user outlook profile which create OST file.

  1. First Lunch Outlook
  2. File tab option

  3. Next click File tab option in top of left panel
  4. select Import/Export option

  5. Then click on Open &Export and select Import/Export option from available all option
  6. Export file option

  7. Now choose Export file option and Click to next.
  8.  Click to next

  9. Select Outlook Data File(.pst )an click to next
  10. Outlook Data File

  11. Now user select to specific folder or Entire Outlook account which user want to Export as a PSt file.
  12. filter

  13. User apply filter option to include or exclude necessary data
  14. Finish button

  15. Now By using Browser button select destionation location where user want to save PSt file.then suer click to Finish button to completed process.

Free Online OST to PST Converter

Many company claim that they convert OST to PST for free .but in Reality not true. they allow user convert OST to PST format if user want to down load converting file then they require payment for it .I advise user never use this type of website nowday anyone hackers access to your impotant data.
If user not access own Outlook Profile then most secure and reliable way to user third -party tool which take reasonability for data

If user searching a free OST to POST Converter tool.But they actually trial version which have some limitation.By using this tool user want to convert OST to PST file all data which converter some items per folder.

Best Professional OST to PST Converter Third party tool

It one of most trusted software which develop experience Engineers .Goldytools OST to PST converter tools repair corrupted ost file and Recovery deleted data from OST file and Save it Many Format As PST ,EML,MSG,DOC,HTML,MHT,DOC,PDF.
It advanced algorithm ensure data integrity and preserve original folder hierarchy during running recovery and mirgration process,
